Intuitive Readings

In times such as these, and now more than ever, it is so important to take care of you so that you can take care of your loved ones and yourself.

It’s hard to think clearly when your mind is running a million miles an hour with to do lists, coping with loneliness, boredom, anxiety and other worries that is currently manifesting for all of us.

Take a moment to pause, breathe and find clarity, to stretch your mind, strengthen and relax your body, mind and soul.

Whether you need help making sense of what’s going on for you or are curious about your past or your future, or simply want to connect more deeply to your inner source of wisdom and intuition, or maybe open your life to love and abundance.

Our experienced intuitive healers, psychic medium, tarot readers, counsellors and psychotherapist offer profound guidance, inspiration and wisdom, and will give you empowering new perspectives to explore.

Select from one or more of in person consultation with Evelyn – the Green Witch, Lama France, Susan, Joejo or Rowena.

Red Crystal Heart of Love

Our intuitive healers, readers, psychics and counsellors

Evelyn - The Green Witch

Evelyn – The Green Witch is world renowned for her Clairvoyance, Mediumship, Tarot, Aura and Palm Readings. She is a Reiki Master, Healer and a teacher of palmistry and psychic development, Evelyn is also a practising green witch, meaning she practises her magic for good not evil.

Click here to read more and to book Evelyn

Lama France intuitive Healer and Counsellor

Danielle-France Laplace Spence (Lama France) is a Counsellor-psychotherapist, Tarot Consultant, Spiritual Healer and Teacher. She has a lifelong experience working as a healer, the symbolism of the Tarot, various meditation systems and as a counsellor-psychotherapist.

Click here to read more and to book Lama

Susan is an Intuitive, Clairvoyant Medium since birth, Susan reads by tuning into the client’s soul energy. She loves to help her clients align with their best life and excels at helping you move towards your greatest potential.

Click here to read more and to book Susan

Rowena is a Psychic Medium and her psychic gifts come from a strong matriarchal Celtic ancestral line of Psychic Mediums or Seers as they were known. Rowena is very grounded and down to earth, coming from a place of love and compassion. Her aim is to provide her clients with very clear and powerful insight always, supporting and enabling them to find some peace and clarity in their situation and/or life.

Click here to read more and to book Rowena

Psychic Medium, Tarot Readings, Counselling, Psychotherapy, Tarotherapy, Distance Healing, House Clearing

Reiki, Hands of Light, Spiritual healing, Psychic
Incense Burner
Haunted House with spirit
Counselling, Psychotherapy
Tarot Reading
Red Crystal Heart of Love